
Showing posts with the label Vscode

How To Activate PHP Tag Autocomplete In Visual Studio Code

Step1 = open Vscode Step2 = Top menu to click file option Step3 = Preferences click and right menu open click  User Snippets  Step4 = Search menu open  html.json file open Step5 = 

how to activate html tag autocomplete in visual studio code

Step1 = open Vscode Step2 = Top menu to click file option Step3 = Preferences click and right menu open click Setting menu click Step4 = Step5 = Setting.json file open {      "files.autoSave" :  "afterDelay" ,      "window.zoomLevel" :  0 ,      "liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser" :  "chrome" ,      "liveServer.settings.donotShowInfoMsg" :  true ,      "editor.suggestSelection" :  "first" ,      "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection" :  "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue" ,      "workbench.colorTheme" :  "Visual Studio Light" ,      "git.enableSmartCommit" :  true ,      "workbench.iconTheme" :  "vscode-icons" ,      "editor.renderControlCharacters" :  true ,      "workbench.startupEditor" :  "newUn...